Kairi Shoes from Kingdom Hearts


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07-25 13:53 Sarah
Hi can these shoes/boots, be used for everyday use, or aren't they 'tough' enough? :)
07-25 23:32 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
The shoes are high quality. You need not worry about too much.
01-07 00:59 Pebbles
Hi there, Just a quick comment to say that these aren't Kairi's shoes. These are actually Yuna's, I believe. Kairi had shoes that are kind of like purple converse with black laces that tie around her ankles. You've probably been told this before, but I just thought I'd do my part :)
01-09 21:13 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
hello Pebbles, thanks for your review. ^ ^ We will correct this soon.
